
Zennify Achieves Lightning Experience Rollout Specialist Superbadge

Did you hear? Salesforce now recognizes Zennify for our Lightning Experience expertise! As of October 2019, more than 45 Zennify consultants have achieved their Lightning Experience Rollout Specialist Superbadge.

Superbadges are a fun way to validate Salesforce expertise. Unlike trailhead modules, where Salesforce guides you through a learning exercise, superbadges validate existing knowledge by outlining multiple business problems and day-to-day productivity needs that need to be solved.

To qualify to take a superbadge, Salesforce mandates successfully completing specific trailhead modules. For the Lightning Experience Rollout Specialist superbadge, four different trailhead modules were required (totalling 4.5 hours of training). The Lightning Experience Rollout Specialist Superbadge took approximately 12 hours to complete for each consultant. Between trailhead training and the superbadge, Zennify has more than 743 hours focused on the Lightning Experience Rollout process!

Zennify has been successfully transitioning clients from Salesforce Classic to Salesforce Lightning since the release of Lightning in 2015. With our real life experience combined with our superbadge expertise we are prepared to successfully implement Salesforce Lightning for years to come!

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